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Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML)

Dr. L. Arokia Jesu Prabhu., Ph.D


Dr. L. Arokia Jesu Prabhu is a Technophile with exposure to Academics and Research. He has obtained PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in the area of Machine learning and Image processing, He had completed his B.Tech in Information Technology from Anna University, Chennai and M.Tech in Computer science & Information Technology from M S University Tirunelveli. He had 13 Years of Full Time teaching experience, 2 Years Industry Experience and 6 Years of Research Experience. He had Published Three Patents and 30 Papers in Various International & National journals, Conferences and Book Chapters. He was successfully completed Coursera online Certifications. His research interest is in the field of Machine learning and Cloud Computing.

He has been invited to various Universities to deliver lectures and keynote addresses. He has Guided 40 plus academic projects for B.Tech & M.Tech Courses. He is a Research Supervisor for Ph.D Scholars for SRM University, Chennai and St.John the Baptist University, Malawi. He acted as Program Committee Member and Reviewer for International Conferences and SCI Journal which includes MLAEDU 2022, ICMLANT 2021 Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering – Elsevier, International journal of Imaging Systems – Wiley, International Journal of Ad-hoc and Ubiquitous Computing – Inder-science, International Journal of Intelligent Networks – Kei. He organized Several FDP’s, Technical symposiums and workshops. He is active member of CSI, IAENG, WASET and CSTA.

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