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Dr. K. Jagannayaki

Associate professor of MBA | Dean EDC


CMR Institute Of Technology’s motto is to build the future of the nation and not just produce engineers or graduates. While we strive to do our best for the students during placements, we also focus on producing ENTREPRENEURS for tomorrow. Towards this end a special team named as the EDC which stands for “ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL” is formed . This team encourages the students to think beyond placements or employment. Many motivating speeches, many programs, events and workshops are conducted to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit of the students. Some of the key features of EDC are as follows

  1. To organize Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes in the region for the benefit of S&T persons.
  2. To develop and introduce curriculum on Entrepreneurship Development at various levels including degree/diploma courses.
  3. To organize programs and camps to assess and guide prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as obtaining project approval, preparing project reports, loans and facilities from agencies of support system and information on various technologies.
  4. To also organise guest lectures, TV & Radio talks, seminars etc. for promotion and growth of S&T based entrepreneurship.
  5. We regularly conduct skill development / training programmes.
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