CMRIT Updates


Educational Institutions always aim at enhancement of the overall performance of the system. Quality sustenance forms the pivotal aspect to fulfill the said aim. With a move to promote such holistic academic excellence, CMRIT established the IQAC Cell in the year 2017. Right from inception, the IQAC conveyed superior dynamism to ensure that quality is the defining element in every sphere of functioning of the Institute. It functions with a focus on recognizing the best practices, removing deficiencies, if any and on formulating strategies for ensuring the culture of quality.

The Cell caters to the needs of the Institution through coordination among various activities of the departments that form the sound basis for decision-making and to guide everyone to work in the direction to upscale the quality factor. Also, the Cell plays a key role in assessment measurement not only regularly but also for Accreditation initiatives and also submits the Annual Quality Assurance Report of the Institute to Accreditation Councils.Assessment of quality is an important indicator for best practices and good governance. The main aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and continuous improvement in the overall performance of the institution and function as catalyst in transformation of student and staff towards professional excellence to address global society.


To build and ensure a quality culture for all round excellence in the educational practices, processes and methods.


To establish benchmarks, rubrics, metrics and quality standards for continuous improvement through effective academic administrative systems to achieve accreditations / affiliations / rankings.

The objectives of IQAC: The objectives of IQAC are to

1. develop a system for conscious, consistent and programmed action to improve the quality of academic and administrative performance of the institution. 2. establish measures for effective functioning of institution through quality enhancement, innovation and best practices. 3. promote, promulgate and pronounce values and ethics in academics, research and consultancy.


S. No. Category Status
1 Head of the Institution Chairperson
2 A few senior administrative officers Member
3 Three to eight teachers Member
4 One member from the Management Member
5 One/two nominees from local society, Students and Alumni Member
6 One/two nominees from Employers/Industrialists/stakeholders Member
7 One of the senior teachers as the coordinator/Director of the IQAC Member Secretary

Frequency of Meeting

The member secretary convenes the meeting with the approval of the chairman atleast twice a year and such other occasions as may be necessary. The member secretary in consultation with the chairman prepares and circulates the agenda of the meeting well in advance. The member secretary maintains the minutes of the meeting and action taken report.


Two-third members constitute the quorum. If there is no quorum for the meeting convened up to half an hour, then the meeting shall stand adjourned to the next convenient day.


The term of nominated members shall be three years.

The objectives of IQAC: The objectives of IQAC are to

1. develop a system for conscious, consistent and programmed action to improve the quality of academic and administrative performance of the institution.
2. establish measures for effective functioning of institution through quality enhancement, innovation and best practices.
3. promote, promulgate and pronounce values and ethics in academics, research and consultancy.

Mechanism of IQAC: In order to achieve the objectives and bring quality culture IQAC acts as a catalyst to

1. ensure timely and efficient functioning of various academic, administrative and financial tasks.
2. develop and apply the quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
3. provide access and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.
4. optimize and integrate the modern methods of teaching and learning.
5. create an atmosphere of credibility of evaluation procedures.
6. ensure the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services.
7. share the R&D intelligence among the network institutions in India and Abroad.
8. document information about various programmes and activities leading to quality improvement.
9. establish and exhibit the relevance and quality of academic and research programmes.

Functions of IQAC: the functions of IQAC are to

1. develop and implement of quality benchmarks/parameters/rubrics for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
2. develop the quality culture by creating a learner-centric conducive environment to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
3. arrange for collection and analysis of feedback from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
4. disseminate the information on various quality parameters of higher education to all stake holders.
5. establish inter/intra institutional facilities to support workshops, seminars and quality circles.
6. document various programmes/activities which leads to quality improvement.
7. act as a nodal agency for quality-related activities, adoption and dissemination of best practices.
8. develop and maintain the institutional database to enhance the quality of MIS.
9. arrange periodical internal/external academic and administrative audits and maintain the records.
10. prepare AQAR, submit to NAAC on approval from GB and host the same in website.

Benefits of IQAC

1. higher level of clarity & focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
2. internalization of the quality culture.
3. coordinate various academic and administrative activities to adapt best practices.
4. effective decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
5. adaption of dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs.
6. methodology of documentation and internal communication in an organized manner.

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